Foamex (foam PVC board) is a really versatile material for signage and display. We can print absolutely anything to standard foamex sheets.
But did you know foamex is manufactured in a range of different colours?

Combined with white ink printing (we have a couple of printers that are capable of printing white ink) some really neat effects are possible when working with coloured foamex.
Benefits of coloured foamex
The main benefit of working with coloured foamex, rather than printing to a white foamex, is that the edge of the board is no longer white. So rather than printing a yellow background to the front of your sign and having a distracting white edge, you can have a background colour that bleeds through the entire board.
And because we can print white ink with CMYK ink over the top, any other colours you have printed as part of your design will appear nice and opaque. If you omit the white ink, the CMYK printed colours will be translucent and take on a colour cast from the colour of the board.
The colours that can be introduced during the manufacturing process can be different to those available from a CMYK print. In particular they tend to be much bolder/brighter. So if a really bold, solid, bright background colour is important to you a coloured foamex board may be the way to go.
The downside? You are of course limited to the colours that are available.
Foamex flat cut letters
Because the colour bleeds right through the board, coloured foamex is perfect for flat-cut letters – no print required!
We create coloured foamex flat cut letters by CNC machining (with a blade or router bit) letter forms and other shapes straight out of the foamex board.
It’s even possible to stack different colours of cut foamex to create interesting 3D effects.
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